Thursday, January 8, 2009

Please Excuse Me, I've Been Reading American Literature

Do you have extra time? I do!

I found this on YouTube. Love it!

What's this guy think he's an Indian? What, is he a goddamned asshole? What the fuck is he doing? Not ever. No way. Now he's Johnny Hammersticks, trying to run away like he's fricken Tommy Noble. The hell's he doing? Thinks he's... thinks he's got it goin' bossa nova. No way. No way. What is this garbage? Who is this? Oh, I'm King of the Trees. I'm the Treemeister. I count on them. Or sometimes I pryig I like to steedlst... Yeah right. Yeah right. This guy's a faggot. This guy's some sort of faggot Indian in the teepee. This guy thinks he's captain knots. Thinks he's captain tyin' knots. When everyone needs some knots tied they go to him. Bull shit. Bull shit. Bull... his woman's such a bitch. Thinks she's Miss Sand, drinkin' out of cups, bein' a bitch. I bet her fist. I bet her fidleskbard tadarskum... Put a little kid in the background fuckin' goin' craaazy. Who's this guy? Mr. Balloons. Mr. Balloon hands. No way. No way. Get real, like those things. Mr. Walkway. Mr. Walk-Down-Me-I'm-the-Walkway-Lead-Me-to-the-Building. Fuck you. 5-6-4-3. Yeah right. You're some stupid bitch. Who paid for that floor? Not me. No way. Never payin' for no floor ever again. Not once, not never. Nope. Whose chair is that? Who brought that goddamned chair here? It's not my chair. Not my chair, not my problem. That's what I say. No way, stupid dresses, stupid flowers. Lighthouses rule. You don't like the lighthouse, you suck. What is this, seahorse captain? What is this, the seahorse seashell party? Who didn't invite me? Why didn't I get invited, seahorse sea-hell? What is this? Get real. I'm in love with seahorses. I'm in love with them. They're so beautiful and cute. I'm in love with the seahorses. They're fuckin' unreal. I love them. They're like all the clocks. I love them. I love seahorses, and I love lookin' at 'em, and I love seashells. I love seashell things. I love things with seashells and seahorses on em like blankets and towels and little bags. I love 'em. Seahorses, foreva.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

To ease the explosion

I'm going to explode.

To try to ease the impact of the imminent catastrophe, I had to change something. I just cut my hair, short.

Change is good... but it still hasn't gotten me what I really want. It is NOT true that talking about something makes it better. It makes it worse.

"Love matches, so called, have illusion for their father and need for their mother." (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Remember that.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Unintended Poem

You know that song, "I'm Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage? Well I'm only happy when it snows. It's the one time when I don't feel like a horrid cow.

And he can't see me. I've been dreaming of him for the past -- what is it now? Three years? -- and he can't see me at my best. He never has.

When will he see me in the snow?

When will he look at me and realize that my eyes are his favorite color of blue?

When will he reach out and pluck me from my perch atop this tower of self-made seclusion?
When will he build the bridge between my dreams and reality?
When will he finally realize "Oh my God, I love her"?
When will he see that I'm not cold, I'm careful?
When will he finally see the fires of love burning behind my icy eyes?
When he sees me in the snow.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Knife Skills

I have the unique distinction of being the first person of the first lunch of the first day of the year that the school cafe was open...

To cut myself.

"Awesome," you might say, "Smooth," or even "That chick powns at cutting."

All of the above are false. Completely. It was pseudo-fantastic, though. I cut myself while making my English teacher's sandwich. Silent paybacks are a bitch.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So much of the morose word clusters!


What is Helen Keller's favorite color? Corduroy.
What do you call a deer with no eyes? No i-deer
What do you call a dog with no legs? Doesn't matter. It won't come anyways.


Oh! My Tardis box has found the occasion to epically fail. Its bottom is now nonexistent. HOWEVER, I now have clear plastic for the manufacture of Christmas presents. What's the postage for sending small items to Japan? People have to move so far away... But no matter. It shall return for the repast of nutburgers at the House of the Rising Sun.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Today I was supposed to pack to go to my dad's house... but I didn't. I was alone. My sister had left for the movies, and my mom was at work. Alone to my own devices.

For a while, I've been fantasizing about some terrible event which would make leaving my house neccessary -- an apocalypse, the death of a parent, a fire, a devastating earthquake, a mad man hunting me down... I think about what I would pack, what I would need... what I would leave behind. I begin planning my movements around my room, timing them, deciding what needed to be left behind to save my life.

Today, I acted on that fantasy. Man Man wailing in the background, I set about packing as quickly and carefully as I could. How many pairs of socks would I need? Which books would I bring? Would I take my boots, or running shoes? My breath was actually quickened, as if the threat were real.

Halfway through packing, I paused, realizing how much I truly wanted to run away -- from everything -- and never come back.

I wasn't trying to be overly dramatic. I don't have it hard, or anything. I have a roof over me, food... I'm not lacking anything. Except perhaps adventure. That's where the running away comes in. I want to meet new people, run away to some place exotic or unknown -- where I could use a different name and have a different life. Maybe I would come back. Just to see the chages. But I would surely leave again, just as soon as I came.

I was so tempted to actually do it -- to run. The adventure and the strangeness of it so enticing... but something stopped me. What would that do to my friends? Would my parents recover?

Too much of a gamble for me.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Plus et Plus, et Moin et Moin...

Life is essentially memory. If something is forgotten, it drops out of existence forever. Never to be found again. Especially personal memories. The secrets, kept in a hidden file cabinet somewhere in the back of your mind.

This is what scares me the most.

It isn't the idea of not knowing, it's the idea of losing forever. People, events, thoughts. Anything can live forever in a memory. Someone once said that a person remembered is never dead. When we forget, we lose those things.

That's why I write everything down. Dreams. Thoughts. Friends. Pneumonic devices just to know that some part of me will stay. I've watched my grandma's Alzheimer's develop from the beginning, when she needed a few seconds to remember my name. Now she can barely remember my grandfather -- calling him her dad -- or my dad and uncle -- calling them "that guy."

I don't want to forget.

At night, instead of trying to forget my day. I rewind and play it again, and again, and again... ad nauseum. Every word, every action, every thought triggered by the two. My only hope is that my mind will remain -- for as long as it can. My "sponge" as I call it, is drying out.